Unleash the Full Might of Your TriCaster
with Viz Flowics
Animated graphics, easy data integrations, social media curation and audience engagement tools.

Supercharge your next production
Viz Flowics is the perfect companion graphics for any TriCaster. Power up your live production graphics with easy data integrations, second screen viewer engagement, and social media curation. Add that essential “wow” factor with animated lower thirds, sleek overlays, and smooth transitions.
Live Graphics Never Looked Better
Viz Flowics isn’t just another tool — it’s the star power eye-catching live HTML5 graphics your broadcast needs! From live sports to news, esports tournaments and corporate events. Create your own or choose from more than 150 free graphics templates.
No Downloads | No Coding | All Cloud | Any Live Production
News Production
Enhance programming with data-driven graphics that clarify and engage. From 2D graphics to channel branding, tickers and touchscreens, keeping your audience informed just got a lot easier.
Capture the excitement with data-driven graphics that match the intensity of every play. With Data Connectors you can seamlessly add data to graphics for any sport, minor to major league.
Inject live into your esports tournaments with vibrant titles, transitions, and tickers. Swiftly adjust your graphics in real-time to keep content fresh and engaging to match the speed and intensity of esports.
The Game-Changer for Live Productions
“Viz Flowics, integrated seamlessly with TriCaster, has been a game-changer for our international esports tournaments helping us create high-level productions that captivate our global audience.”
“Chess is an incredibly graphics-heavy broadcast, and TriCaster Vectar being able to bring in Viz Flowics HTML5 graphics, was a big win for us. The advanced graphics and social media curation capabilities of Viz Flowics enriched Chess.com’s productions, making them more visually engaging and professional.”
Venues / Teams
Keeps fans in the stands entertained with informative graphics, player stats, and key plays from the pitch. Combine HTML5 graphics, replays, and analysis of sports for the ultimate stadium experience.
OTT / Streaming
Smarter streaming every time. Create Watch Parties, Live Streams and drive engagement to your OTT and digital platforms with spectacular graphics.
“We also use Viz Flowics to put graphics up on our screens, that’s what runs our hockey schedule. It’s all cloud-based, so it runs through a Google Sheet that anyone on our team has access to. What’s nice is that through the ability of the cloud, we can update and produce live data graphics from anywhere in the world, instantly.”
– Matthew Gallant, Digital Media Coordinator
Brantford Bulldogs
Corporate, Government, Education
Polished, professional presentations. Create and communicate your information effectively, every time, with Viz Flowics.
Foster fellowship with inspiring messages to better engage and increase outreach to your community of believers.